My Central Park

Central Park Private Tours Treat yourself to an unforgettable experience... No visit to Manhattan is complete without experiencing the heart and soul of the city - Central Park. As the bustling metropolis expanded in the middle of the 19th Century, the need for a place where New Yorkers could connect to nature - and to themselves - became apparent, and in 1857 construction began on what would become the #1 New York tourist attraction. Covering a vast territory of 843 acres between 59th and 110th street, this urban oasis is full of surprises - but only if you know where to look. Our guides have been sharing their love and knowledge of the park for the past 8 years and have developed customized tours that will allow you to see the best of what Central Park has to offer in as little or as much time as you have. Their passion for history, love of their city, and the humor of a real New Yorker will make your visit to Central Park an unforgettable experience.

My Central Park
(347) 530-7716

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