Flowers for every occasion

Same-day florist delivery is normally available Monday - Saturday in most areas of the 49 Continental U.S. states and Canada for orders received by 11:00 am in the recipient's time zone (excluding Sundays, holidays, and peak floral periods). Otherwise, next day delivery is the norm. For best results, please order one or more days in advance, if possible. Note that due to current supply chain limitations, product substitutions of equal value may be necessary in some cases, some deliveries may be rescheduled by one day when necessary, and deliveries are NOT available in Hawaii.

When James and Helen Phillip opened their first flower shop in the early 20s, they weren't thinking about becoming one of America's leading florists. They were thinking about raising a family. And, that's what they did, in an apartment above the little flower shop they built. But, as their family grew, so did their business.

Today, more than ninety years later, their children and grandchildren are carrying on the family floral tradition with the same old-fashioned commitment to fresh flowers, personal service, and family togetherness. We think "grandpa and grandma" would be proud.

Sure, times have changed. Our flowers last even longer. Our customers now span the globe -- ordering by phone, fax, multiple web sites, and even satellite hook-up. Our award-winning flower shops rank us among the top 1% of North American florists. And, our computer systems link us to over 30,000 professional affiliate florists worldwide. So, delivery is a snap almost anywhere. In fact, we handle more deliveries in a single day than "grandpa and grandma" probably could all year.

Yet, flowers remain the focal point of our family business. Unlike electronic marketers, we're first and foremost florists. So, while our technology has changed dramatically since the early 20s, our expertise and commitment remains -- to deliver the finest, fresh flowers, plants, and gift baskets available. We think you'll notice the difference, and we look forward to serving you in any way that we can.


Activity Types:
Tours & Guides
Classes & Lessons
Available Days/Times (e.g. Weekends only): Same day delivery by 11AM recipients time zone. Delivery not available on Sundays
Listing created Dec 12, 2022

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